Tips and Advice on how to Grow your Business through Online Marketing
Here is a useful checklist and online marketing planning tool, originally issued / copyrighted by Google in 2011.
The full content is available at Google User Content.
Although a lot has changed in 4 years, and despite being somewhat biased to Google’s strengths online, it is well worth the read as it is well written and provides quality information, including the keywords and terminology that Google uses!
The document lays out the “thought process” to evaluate the benefits of internet marketing for your business, and it also breaks through the online-jargon clutter associated which generally frightens people new to online marketing.
It also confirms that even with all the new online / digital marketing opportunities, the basic marketing process remains consistent:
The Internet / Online Marketing Process
Understand the market and competitors
- Understand who your audience is and what they want
- Based on your superior benefits, position your product or service
- Focus on a target group
- Outline strategy and goals
- Measure and learn
- Improve offering / communication
10 Ways to Use the Internet to Grow Your Business
I would suggest Mobile Marketing and Social Networking have improved significantly since the article was written, and provide quality targeting (though different to Google targeting) and are highly measurable.
Full Article link