InfoGraphic explaining The OnLine Marketing Funnel

The following info graphic from a post on response tap was sent to me by JonnnyDempster  , after reading my recent blog on the Sales Marketing Funnel moving from Traditional to Digital.

I like it for two reasons

a) its an unusual eye catching format, and provides comprehensive info about “online marketing”

b) the graphics also remind me the cartoon drawing of Spike Milligan

Online Marketing Funnel

Online Marketing Funnel

About John Cullen

Internet Marketing, OnLIne Visibility and Social Media Consulting Services.
Experienced marketing professional, with over 25 years experience in global brand marketing, now focused on Internet Marketing.
Living in Cincinnati, Ohio and working with Clients in USA and UK.
Enjoying my new career in SEO and SEM and connecting with people and the speed of a changing world.
Family, Travel, Friends, Painting, Creativity, Celt,

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