Mobile Marketing …..huge growth expected to continue

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Here is a selection of interesting articles on the speed of growth of Mobile Marketing  and it’s importance to more effective internet / social media marketing for Small Medium size businesses in 2015.

During October through November 2014, while implementing a Social Media Ad Campaign, I noted that 60% of the interaction with my target audience was on Mobile.

Mobile first marketing

Nearly 60% of the U.S. adult population now owns a smartphone and nearly half own a tablet. Mobile devices are becoming the first screen of choice for many executives to check email, browse the web, conduct research and communicate. So what does all of this growth in mobile mean for B2B marketers? It means it’s essential for your marketing to meet prospects and clients where they are — and increasingly that’s on a tablet or smartphone.

Obviously mobile first concerns your website—having a responsive website in 2015 is an imperative; it’s no longer optional. But it really goes beyond your website. A mobile first mentality affects every facet of your marketing strategy and involves viewing all your marketing efforts through a mobile lens. Many B2B firms already have great content, but they don’t necessarily have the technology and tools in place to deliver a mobile experience. Moving forward, if you expect your audience to engage with your firm, improving the mobile experience has to be a priority.


5 Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch

Mobile isn’t just one of the most important channels for marketers to utilize, it is becoming THE most important channel.
Blogs are read, emails are consumed and purchases are made via mobile devices. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of the mobile moments in our everyday lives.
The impact is extending even deeper into health and fitness sector with the latest iPhone with iOS8 providing a “health app” with an easy to read dashboard of your health and fitness data. One new app even helps heart attack survivors avoid a fatal second event.
Mobile usage continues to rise worldwide as consumers purchase more and more smartphones, which is exactly why that growth isn’t stopping anytime soon.



Mobile Marketing Emerges as the Ultimate Vehicle for Crossing Advertising’s ‘Last Mile’

The “last mile” in marketing connects a customer to the seller through communication that occurs close to the point of purchase. It is local in nature, the final leg of a marketing campaign, and the most challenging. Last mile advertising has always relied on local ads in the print and electronic media, as well as word of mouth. Now businesses can add mobile marketing to the mix. Mobile marketing and its synergies with local searches, lends itself as an ideal vehicle for the final push customers need to make a purchase decision.



5 Trends Your Marketing Team Should Budget For In 2015

1. Authenticity will be paramount to a brand’s marketing success.

2. Thought leadership is taking precedence over personal branding.

3. Inbound marketing can fuel your online marketing initiatives.

4. Leveraging new technologies will put you ahead of the curve.

5. Optimize your mobile websites to match consumer trends.

The importance of mobile marketing is undeniable, so allocating a substantial budget to this platform is crucial to maintaining relevance.


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