Internet Marketing and Marketing SEO

For me the key marketing & sales benefit of internet marketing is the ability to measure more effectively:

a) measure your interaction with potential customers, against the key benefits & goals targeted in your marketing plan

Role of Marketing SEO

b) measure your competitive positioning and SWOT relative to your own website, using a Marketing SEO Scorecard to measure your competitors WebSite example below

Marketing SEO ScorecardThe basic example above breaks down Internet Marketing into 2 Basic Elements Visibility and Branding weighting them 70% and 30% respectively, for this illustration.

The metrics and analytics of the Marketing SEO Scorecard helps to focus on internet marketing gaps, especially your internet competitive SWOT, and I am sure can be improved upon, comments and feedback is welcome.

About John Cullen

Experienced marketing professional, with over 25 years experience in global brand marketing, focused on Internet Marketing for last 10 years.
Living in Cincinnati, Ohio and working with Clients in USA and UK.

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