Google Top 10 “rules” for SEO and why you should use them.

Google SEO Top 10 “Rules” and “Guidelines”


Marketing SEO advice on why to use them

1. Create Unique Accurate Page Titles

Each page should contain unique content and the title should accurately reflect that, and each of these titles should support the website overall “positioning” therefore they should all be consistent and make sense as a website structure and a marketing message.

2. Have a clear accurate Meta Description for each Page

In addition to the Title, the Meta Description is critical, and should summarize the page content in less than 200 words, using priority sales and marketing keywords that exist in the page copy, and reflecting words / terms in the URL and Title.

3. Have Quality Unique URLs describing each page

Often overlooked as usually they are dictated by technical development / website design structure, the unique URL’s and the words they contain should be composed for the marketing needs of the website,   Despite what developers advice I suggest you avoid dynamic URL’s.

4. Make your Site easy to Navigate

   In the ideal world the your overall business positioning and internet marketing strategy, will “design the website architecture” and should deliver what the visitor is looking for, and fast! The KISS acronym applies (Keep It Simple Stupid) with clear headings, page links, headings and a site map.

5. Provide Quality Content and Information / Services

The Key to Quality content is to communicate your “marketing positioning” i.e. what are product and services competitive advantage,  in terms and words the visitor understands.

 6. Build into Copy / Text quality Anchor Text and Links

People visiting a website, are generally searching for an specific answer or solution, anchor text and links should be used like “marketing messages” highlighting the key competitive elements of your business, helping visitors find the answers quickly.

7. Use Heading Tags to show priorities

This is another simple rule / guideline which is either overlooked or ignored, allows key subjects to highlighted by priority using <h1> <h2> etc tags, again these should reflect your “marketing message” for that page.

8. Describe Images with Alt Tags

Using the right Images in website design helps improve branding and the essence of the page content. The fact that Images cannot be read by robots males it essential to describe in words, using relevant keywords which correlate with the rest of the page and site.

9. Support and Promote Website: Blog / Facebook / YouTube / Flicker 

The website maybe the core of your internet marketing strategy, but its only one element of the various “touch points” with your potential customers, so broaden your presence and link back to your website, ideally to a specific relevant landing page.

10. Measure with Google Analytics and continually improve

It all come down to the metrics. With internet marketing you measure your marketing effectiveness. If don’t measure and analyze how do you know what’s working and what you need to improve?

For information on consulting services in Marketing and Search Engine Optimization visit

Marketing SEO Tips for Artist Websites 

"You Are Here" by Greg Storer

Checklist for Artists – How to Increase Qualified Visits to your Website

Artist Marketing: Positioning, Background and Planning

Decide on who you are and what you do e.g. the personality and style of your art, and what you want to communicate through

your paintings and drawings.

List the profile and type of people who like and buy your art e.g. is it the art medium, the colors and values, the chosen subjects, etc

Website Pages and Site Map Structure

1. Write down the list of Information and Content you want to include in your website:


Introduction – Home Page

Examples of Art – by subject, by medium

Information about Artist – Art education, Exhibitions, Collections

Contact information

2. Select Keywords that Describe the above Content and each Artwork

Check out these tools to help you find out what people are searching for.

Google keyword tool


3. Research the current search results and the competition you face in getting #1 page results

4. List how the web pages should “link” together, so visitors can navigate from different topics and get the information they want fast!  

"You Are Here" by Greg Storer
“You Are Here” by Greg Storer : Artist, Painter, Art Teacher 




Marketing Artist Website and Internet Visibility

How to increase presence of your art and How to build external “links” to your website.

- List your website with all Search Engine Local Business Directories e.g. google Maps / Places. Yahoo Local, Bing Local using relevant keywords from your site

- Open an accounts with different Photo Sharing sites upload photos of your top paintings with descriptions using keyword / phrases and links to your site

e.g. Flickr Photobucket Picasa Shutterfly Webshots Fotki

- Start a Blog on WordPress and describe your approach to art, your work style and the subjects you select to paint, add links to your website on each Blog


- Open an Account with YouTube and make videos of how paintings are created, describe the content using relevant keywords from your site and add links to your website

- Join relevant Art Forums online and express your opinions, and when relevant encourage people to visit your website to see examples of your work

- Ensure all external listings of your artwork e.g. galleries, exhibitions, collections, local newspaper articles, not just list your name but also has a link to your website

- Research the high ranking websites of local “artist competitors” and find out what external links they have, and also establish links on same key sites

- Connect with friends, other artists, colleagues, past buyers and encourage all to bookmark to link with your website, build reciprocal links

- Update your website and blog regularly with relevant comments on art and art within your local community

- Join Facebook and LinkedIn other Social Media networking and exchange points of view

More Information visit

or email

Internet Marketing Mix – Positioning, Competitive Advantage and Consistency

1. Effective Marketing starts with the strategic positioning of a business service, product or brand.Proteus Internet Marketing

Identifying the need or opportunity in the marketplace and developing a service or product to offer a sustainable competitive advantage.

[Example with current client: sore throat spray in UK “unlike lozenges…our numbing spray goes right to where it hurts, giving you relief in seconds”.

2. So regardless of how successful you can implement SEO and ongoing effective Internet marketing campaigns, determining the optimal marketing positioning and continually updating the distinct competitive advantage / offering is what will determine long term profitable success.

[Example with current client: a private hotel group of 5 distinct hotels in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire offers personal friendly service and local knowledge & advice, at each hotel, in addition to quality rooms and restaurants.

3. Consistency in approach across all new media is critical, to achieve a consistent core message and for brand image and brand building.

Google search and Social Media have increased the reach and frequency we can achieve to communicate direct with potential consumers, so consistency in copy style, images and design is critical, to achieve synergy and the cumulative marketing benefit.

[Example with current client:  based in Cincinnati, is a global OEM specializing in the design and manufacture of the most complete line of Die Cutting Hydraulic Presses. The message is communicated consistently on the Website, in email on Constant Contact, on YouTube videos, LinkedIn, Flicker and Blog.

For more information on Internet Marketing and Marketing Optimization visit 

Executive Coaching – Training in the Essentials of SEO Marketing – Cincinnati, Ohio.

Proteus Internet Marketing

Proteus Internet Marketing Executive SEO Coaching for Business Owners, in the Cincinnati, Ohio,
Who want to improve their business knowledge of the latest tools in…..

…..Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization….FAST!

The Goal of  Executive Coaching / Training in Internet Marketing and SEO:

Provide you as a Business Executive / Owner with up to date knowledge of Marketing Optimization ( SEO, PPC, Social Media, Blogs) so you understand:

  • how to develop a relevant Internet Marketing Strategy
  • how to implement an efficient Internet Marketing Plan for your business
  • what time frame, resource and organization is required to implement the internet marketing plan
  • how to set appropriate goals and metrics for your business
  • how to measure your progress, and how to continue improve going forward

The Executive Training / Coaching is structured for busy business owners to gain significant practical knowledge of Internet Marketing and SEO that would take months to learn by books and research.

Ideal for small business owners or business leaders who want to get up to speed on how to utilize Internet Marketing / SEO in their company, and want to get an qualified independent professional marketing view on the SEO essentials for their business, and know how to use it, FAST!

  • what is behind all the acronyms and labels: SEO, SEM, Social Media, etc
  • what constitutes a well designed web site
  • how a web site should be structured to be effective
  • how to maximize visitors to your company website
  • what are the Marketing benefits of the new Digital Media / SEO
  • how to manage the Marketing aspects of Search Engine Optimization
  • how to improve website ranking, to get on #1 page on Google Results
  • how to gain more business leads through your company website
  • how to measure and monitor results, to gain a competitive edge and sustainable advantage
  • how to use a Blog and Facebook to promote your business further

Outline of SEO Executive Coaching / Training Sessions:

A choice of 1 Full Day or 2 Half Day Marketing SEO Training session, is available depending on depth of current knowledge and the level of information required, and availability of dates on both sides.

Executive Coaching sessions on SEO and Internet Marketing can also be organized on a One-to-One basis (which is the recommended approach), or to a Small Group of your Management Team.

Benefits Gained from Marketing SEO Executive Training / Coaching : 

  • Learn the Essentials of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and improve how your company manages your website and the marketing opportunities within digital media marketing.
  • Each Executive Coaching / Training session will be custom prepared to your business and competitive marketplace
  • A detailed analysis of your company website and competitors, identifying the opportunities to be gained
  • Choice of Seminar Audience: One-on-One or Small Group of business executives
  • Custom designed to your level of understanding and your needs of Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization
  • Step by Step plan to improve use of your company website and a roadmap for developing an Internet Marketing Strategy
To Review John Cullen’s Professional Biography go to website based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

To find out more information contact John Cullen direct:   

Digital Marketing – The SEO Ripple Effect


When talking or explaining my perspective of Marketing SEO to various business management especially small or medium size successful business entrepreneurs, at the initial client introduction, I am frequently faced with “glazed eyes” of bewilderment when I talk about Internet Digital Marketing and SEO.

To help explain my views on the concept and workings of SEO and process of Marketing SEO, and how it works to complement the company website in “reaching or contacting new customers” I use the analogy of the SEO Ripple Effect.

One consistent message, reflecting the company’s competitive advantage and positioning, “ripples” out across the marketplace more effectively and more cost efficiently than ever before.

Marketing SEO Ripple Effect

Marketing SEO Ripple Effect

Now, how you capitalize on the “Marketing SEO Ripple Effect” to convert Visitors to Customers, comes down to business marketing & process and proven Marketing SEO advice !

More Marketing SEO Ripple Effect information on

Proteus Internet Marketing and Sales LLC in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Top Priorities in Building Website Traffic and Attracting More Business

Marketing Business Website

Marketing a Business Website

Social Media Marketing / Marketing Optimization

The debate continues in digital / internet marketing on where to focus and invest to maximize the benefits of the company website within Internet Marketing and Social Media to gain extra visibility.

The overall key priority is

  • the consistency of the message and positioning of the website, “your business window to the world”,
  • and optimizing this image and position to the search engines for gain the highest possible ranking and therefore broader visibility.

The next priority is making increasing the site coverage further in a consistent manner through internet marketing, search engine marketing and social media.

The end goal is get the maximum number of the targeted people  visiting your website, and converting them order or contact your company to find out more information or request a quote.

Of course its critical to measure your progress against agreed goals and metrics by an on-going analysis of data about your website e.g. Google Analytics

Therefore the priority investment is your Website,

  • in it’s Design Image, Impact and Ease of Navigation,
  • the quality of relevant content to Visitors
  • it’s core SEO structure in content and links,
  • and overall Marketing Optimization of the site so it converts visitors from being visitors to potential customers.

The decision of what elements of Social Media to use should be driven by what your customer will find interesting to help them make a purchase of your products or services.

Start the dialogue with new potential customers on the internet with relevant information:

Show how your product works and is superior e.g. video on YouTube, show “friends” on Facebook

Promote Special Activities or Offers e.g. Blog new announcements, Twitter live info

Present the credentials of your Product or Services e.g. Company capabilities presentation on Slide Share 

Make it relevant, consistent and build a pathway to closure.

More information at

Internet Marketing – The Internet Small Business Opportunity Gap

Proteus Spectrum Logo

Internet Marketing – The Internet Opportunity Gap

1. Research studies identified that consumers are actively increasing their use of the internet, where they collect and disseminate information and knowledge (Forrester Research), AND at a faster rate than business traffic.

2. This is the result of the dynamic changes and choices in technology which has resulted in fragmentation of the “traditional” communication. Consumers have changed their approach, but the business structure (primarily in the medium to small size companies) is lagging behind.

3. This significant gap provides a major competitive advantage and window of opportunity for enterprises willing to change in line with the consumer approach.

4. Its not a single piece of the marketing mix that is required to change (e.g. a new website, use of search engine optimization, use of Google ad words etc) but a new internet marketing pathway based on proven brand marketing principles.

5. “Build a Website and they will come…..but they don’t” How few websites in an existence today are built (and regularly updated) for the “changing consumer”?

6. The new Internet Marketing Model fundamentally changes the thought process and business structure of how to reach the customer / consumer.

7. The website (& its contents) is a critical focal point, as it integrates and coordinates all the other  Internet Marketing & Advertising possibilities available to businesses.

What are the changes that We as Consumers have adopted so willingly?

Basically we have more choice today, and the choice is more under our control.

The availability of multimedia in multiple delivery systems has created a breakdown of what we read, watch, listen to, use, avoid. and what we can ignore.

As a result, our perception of branded products and services has changed due to seeing more images, more messages, more frequently.

The message, positioning and promise of the product and the service have also changed.

We now continually assess a branded product and service (and its supplier) in a multi dimensional composite of all we have recently seen & heard from multiple sources, in the rapidly changing and dynamic new environment.

Our expectations have changed we are more demanding, more inquisitive, more skeptical, and more savvy in our adoption of the traditional marketing “message” in advertising promotion, packaging, supplier claims, and PR.

We no longer Surf the web, we now Search the web.

We expect websites & suppliers to be as efficient & easy as

We Google when we want information.

We do not read Web Sites we scan pages for Keywords or Relevant facts.

We link with people in totally new Social networks e.g. LinkedIn, Face book.

We expect change and speed of change and adopt it quicker e.g. IPhone, IPad

We Skype friends overseas with a free video communication service.

We search and compare products & services.

We build our own news & entertainment schedule with YouTube, CNet, ITunes, ESPN.

We communicate “word of mouth” now by “speed of email”.

We balance or challenge mass media statements with individual Blog “experts”.

I wrote the above notes in 2008, and little has changed, I am still amazed that the Internet Business Opportunity Gap for Small and Medium size businesses still exists.

So why are Small and Medium size businesses lagging behind in the adoption of Internet Marketing and SEO Optimization?

With the drive to Local Search being championed by Google and Bing, surely 2011 will the year of dramatic change.

Any ideas let me know.

2011 Marketing SEO – Hot Tips for Small Business Websites

SEO Tips 2011

World Cup Rugby Logo 2011

A Winning Year!

I believe 2011 is going to be a great year……and not just for Irish rugby, i.e. when Ireland win the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand!

It’s also going to be a great year for my small business and yours!

Begin the year by setting up a winning strategy for your business to beat the Competition in 2011, by exploiting what Internet Marketing has to offer for your business. Lower Marketing costs, drive more traffic to your web site and get more sales leads. Your competitors are planning to do just that.

So here are some Marketing SEO tips to help your business planning to make 2011 a winning year:

1. Dig into your data analytics and check out what worked effectively in your SEO and Ad Words / Pay per Click Campaigns or Internet Marketing projects in 2010. Select what is working and build on each success. If you don’t have any Analytics Data, set it up for FREE with Google Analytics as soon as you finish reading my article below!

2. Check out Internet Marketing and SEO / SEM Trends – what is changing?Focus on what are the hot trends for 2011. Here is my Top 10 Marketing SEO List for 2011:

  • Small Business will look for Lower Marketing Costs: This can be achieved through effective website marketing and regularly optimizing your web site content & tags, to be a better fit with the search engines.
  • Free Local advertising: If you have not updated your Maps listings on all the search engines do so, and check out the newly named Google Places, take time to fill out all the details, paying extra time on the categories.
  • Free Social Media Advertising: Why pay out lump sum fees to be a member of an “industry association”? Challenge the high fixed costs / charges of Directories & Associations or even better join your local business online community which free.
  • Business Blogs: All small business owners should start a writing a Blog, which with the help of Word Press is merging the company presence of Web Site and a Blog
  • Low Cost PR Campaigns: The amazing communication results delivered by PR WEB, and Free Press Release should see them continue boom in 2011.
  • Reach New Audience: Finding out yesterday that everywhere was out of stock of iPhones in Cincinnati, in fact Southern Ohio, the Mobile Usage with 3G 4G and iPad will bring access to a new audience for small businesses and a new approach to search.
  • Internet Profile Maintenance: Keeping track of all the new internet accounts and listings means the consistency of your business profile is critical, so set up a system to update all your Internet profiles regularly.
  • Online Competition: 2011 will bring more increased on-line competition especially as more small and medium size businesses realize benefits of Internet Marketing, increasing the demand for a good SEO consultant?
  • Coverage of All Search Engines: Make sure your business presence on all search engines [Search Engine Share in 2010 looks like this: Google 72%, Yahoo 14%, Bing, 10%, Ask 2%, AOL 1%]. The number of searches are so high making sure your business is represented an each one is beneficial.
  • Sharing Experiences: Specialists helping other specialists brings rewards of fresh ideas from a different perspective.

3. Refresh All Listings & Updates to Website, Blog, Social Profiles, Customer Testimonials, EMail Lists, Directory Listings, Memberships

4. Stop Procrastinating start a New Year 2011 Blog ….NOW

5. Review Competitors Sites - what’s new on their website? what can you learn? how can you compete more effectively? where are they weak?

SEO – Small and Medium Size Business Research

My jaw is still against my chest, after reading the 2010 UK Website – SEO Study of 1,001 SME (small medium enterprises) websites and compared them against a range of SEO criteria.

  • 70% of companies researched have less than 50 employees, and they either have no SEO or very basic optimisation of their website
  • 12% of SEM websites are not indexed in any search engine,
  • 35% of websites did not have unique page titles
  • 56% lacked unique page descriptions
  • 82% of small business websites had no HTML site map

It is especially worrying as I also read the results of Zoomerang 2010 US Research “…. understanding of how small to midsized businesses (SMB) are using their

marketing budget in 2010, as well as 2011 projections”

- 46% of SMB (small medium businesses) businesses, in USA, do NOT have a website!

- 35% of the SMBs surveyed employ some form of social media

The net take away is SEO has made very limited progress in Small Business Marketing in USA and UK.

The good news, however, is the opportunity for Marketing SEO Consultants is huge, if we live long enough!

Internet Marketing and Marketing SEO

Role of Marketing SEO

For me the key marketing & sales benefit of internet marketing is the ability to measure more effectively:

a) measure your interaction with potential customers, against the key benefits & goals targeted in your marketing plan

Role of Marketing SEO

b) measure your competitive positioning and SWOT relative to your own website, using a Marketing SEO Scorecard to measure your competitors WebSite example below

Marketing SEO ScorecardThe basic example above breaks down Internet Marketing into 2 Basic Elements Visibility and Branding weighting them 70% and 30% respectively, for this illustration.

The metrics and analytics of the Marketing SEO Scorecard helps to focus on internet marketing gaps, especially your internet competitive SWOT, and I am sure can be improved upon, comments and feedback is welcome.

10 Tips Traditional Marketing & Marketing SEO

Olive Trees Kardamyli Greece



Rethink the purpose of your company website and other touch points with potential customers through the internet or digital media.

Remember all business materials and actions should be consistent and work in synergy, and be focused on the company positioning and competitive advantage of its products and services…..mmm Traditional Marketing approach…….

The website is your opportunity to present these products and services and convert visitors to buyers.

Your conversion rate will depend on how well your website company offering, its positioning and your credentials fit with what the searcher is looking for.

  1. Consistency in the marketing message and how it flows across the web site and social media touch points, reflecting the business culture, positioning and offering, the holistic approach to marketing SEO. Identifying the specific strategic role of the website within the overall plan is critical.
  2. Encourage your visitors to explore your site by making it easy to navigate, and also make it easy for the robots to explore the site as well, by providing a map of the site architecture. Here is the opportunity to start a relationship.
  3. Ensure the technical development of the site SEO is clean and that it’s accurate, and follows a “white hat” approach to work in synergy with the Marketing SEO. SEO should be Marketing lead not Technical.
  4. Be honest and open (and consistent) providing reassurance to visitors wherever possible.
  5. Research most efficient and effective keywords and focus on the goal of explaining your company positioning using the keywords and pharses identified.
  6. Think as the Searcher i.e. your Visitor (and potential Customer) when designing each page, asking “is this what they expect” or “ is this what they are looking for”.
  7. Quality Information and Content is critical, i.e. good copywriting will keep the visitor interested, just as in a first interview, sell ourself.
  8. Be willing to meet and adhere to all SEO guidelines and rules, this will avoid breaking any obscure or unknown rules with risk of penalties.
  9. Avoid using too many acronyms or jargon words, the site copy should reflect what the searcher is thinking and words used in search, the goal is meeting the searcher’s need.
  10. Periodically go back and review your website, challenge your own content and copy, as SEO is true “dynamic marketing” in which everything is changing fast and the changes are generally not under your.

Comments and Feedback.

Visit my website at

Updating my Internet Marketing Plan Framework

Jimi Hendrix Purple Dayz by John Cullen

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit”.

- Aristotle

I guess “I should do as I preach” and start the new business year by updating my Marketing Strategy – Goals – Activity Plan for the year. At least an overview to focus my thoughts and activities.

Business Proposition and Positioning

Proteus provides businesses with a measurable and experienced internet marketing and sales support, that will deliver results, based on proven marketing skills.

Proteus will deliver against agreed goals.

Proteus will focus on increasing sales leads, leading to increase sales income.

Proteus will focus on cost effective and efficient internet marketing implementation.


Proteus Internet Marketing LLC, 3 years on continues to grow, change and develop.

Business Clients based on results have renewed contracts and are ongoing customers and are delighted with results.

SEO and SEM are also developing and changing even faster, one challenge is keeping up with all the opportunities, which is a great position to be in!

Goal for 2010 / 2011

Add 5 new customers to the business base in 2010.

Identify potential customers that “get it” but do not have the time or knowledge to get into the detail of SEO and SEM.

Target Customer Profile

WHO – medium size businesses with appreciation “at the top“ of the potential benefits of internet marketing and are willing to test / measure / learn / grow

WHERE – based in UK or USA

WHY – the business wants to learn and use the internet to reach potential customers but does not need or can justify full time internet marketing in organization

Internet Marketing Planning 2010 / 2011

Detail monthly activities to:

increase visitors to web site with constant SEO update and Ad Words Campaigns

increase readership of blog by regular writing with basic insights to small medium size businesses, and hopefully dialogue

expand social media visibility of John Cullen and Proteus

contribute more to local business community, get involved