“‘If everybody minded their own business,’ the Duchess said, in a hoarse growl, ‘the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.’” - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland In today’s Google Webmaster Blog “SEO Essentials for Start Ups in under 10minutes” . While it’s a good summary, it is very broad, but useful to understand Google’s [...]
Mobile is the future…for Google at present

Mobile is becoming an essential business tool as Smartphone ownership grows rapidly. Google mobile growth is “mind boggling”…..look at the latest data on Android which is the leading smartphone operating system Total Android devices in market globally: 300 million Daily activations: 850,000 Android apps: 450,000 Android tablets: 12 million While Google dominates the smart phone operating system with [...]
Basic Marketing SEO Checklist for Website On-Line Visibility

Dynamic Marketing SEO As the internet continues to rapidly change and evolve, especially with the influence of Social Media, its important that we remember the basics to achieve online visibility of a website. The key point to remember is, that it’s not just the mechanics of SEO that I list below, that will make your [...]