Dynamic Marketing SEO
As the internet continues to rapidly change and evolve, especially with the influence of Social Media, its important that we remember the basics to achieve online visibility of a website.
The key point to remember is, that it’s not just the mechanics of SEO that I list below, that will make your website stand out, it is your marketing positioning, your unique competitive positioning and the unique content that supports it.

Brand Positioning for Optimum Online Visibility
“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”. Coco Chanel
Page Titles
Page Titles are the single most important SEO element on a page. Most people don’t pay attention to them because they aren’t an element that we spend a lot of time looking at, but they are critical for people searching and for website online visibility. Page titles should have relevant keywords (relevant means describing what this page is about) while also being no longer than 80 characters.
Keyword Density
Another key measurement of promoting your keywords efficiently, check out to the SEO Tool Live Keyword Analysis
Internal Links help people navigate the site including the “search engine robots” and a good link strategy helps with search rankings
From a usability standpoint describing what the page is about in the URL can help someone figure out what they are clicking on. The key is early planning of the positioning, website goal, structure and architecture, Google advises “ Consider organizing your content so that URLs are constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans (when possible, readable words rather than long ID numbers)”. I recommend using hyphens rather than underscore in URLs. For more detailed information visit Google URL Structure
Alt Tags
All images need descriptions using Alt Tags to provide details of the image or the destination of a hyperlinked image.
Paragrah headings should be identified by <h1>, <h2>, <h3> HTML elements on a page.
Meta Keywords and Meta Description
The key SEO elements are the famous “meta tags” for each page, meta keywords and meta description. Although Google currently does not even look at meta keywords it is still a best practice, and a good SEO disciplne.
Site Map
Provide SiteMap for vistors to navigate and search engines to confirm the website structure
Submit SIte to All Search Engines
The basic step many people miss or ignore
Webmasters Account with Google and Bing
Helps identify any problems quickly and improves interface with search engines
Contact John Cullen direct jccullen@proteusism.com