The modern equivalent of the idiom “a watched pot never boils” is probably……”a watched new website never gets indexed or ranked”……….

Google Webmaster Tools
It’s frustrating after all the hard work and excitement in building, designing and adding rich & relevant content to new website to wait for the search engines to find your site. It’s even more frustrating if you do not even Submit the new website to Google as the first step in achieving visibility!
The answer to the question “How long does it take Google to Index & Rank my new website ?”………is therefore the obvious one, it depends!
Google quotes “several weeks”, and from my own experience it ranges between 2 to 4 weeks to be indexed and achieve a consistent ranking level or range.
But there are ways to improve the speed and the ranking performance, and it’s all in the way you present the information about your website to the search engines.
Here is a brief checklist to help a new website be indexed by Google as promptly as possible:
- is the website compact and compressed to make the search robot crawling and indexing easy?
- do you have unique URL addresses, do they follow the guidelines?
- are all Alt Tags correct?
- are all the Meta Tags complete for every page, reflecting the content of the page?
- is the website content or subject allowed by Google?
- is the hosting of the new website guaranteeing “it’s available to be crawled at any time”
- have you verified that the new site meets the Google WebMaster Guidelines and have you provided a Site Map?
- are you sure the domain has no issues?
- does your website provide internal links to help the robots navigate the new site?
- make sure there are no issues with transferring the new site from an old address
There are many more “guidelines” provided by Google on the Webmaster Central page.
A recent and live example, is I worked on a new site last week, the site page were Indexed by Google within 7 days. The search results ranking fluctuates at present, but there are positive signs that the site will reach the first page for the targeted keywords, within the next few weeks.
I will keep you posted on its progress, as this is but the start of the process. The goal is to maintain interest in the website content and build visits and conversions. In my current example it’s to get more people to book art classes with Greg Storer in Cincinnati (by the way a very good art teacher!).
For more information on Marketing your website and SEO generally visit
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