Google SEO Top 10 “Rules” and “Guidelines” and Marketing SEO advice on why to use them 1. Create Unique Accurate Page Titles Each page should contain unique content and the title should accurately reflect that, and each of these titles should support the website overall “positioning” therefore they should all be consistent and make sense […]
Improve Website Search Visibility with Google….

Submit your Website for Review…SEO Tip! Time and again people omit the most important step to get better search results, you need to tell Google that your website exists. You should also advise Google of the latest updates, so all your website URL’s are reviewed and indexed. How? Send information about your website to Google […]
Tips on Effective Implementation of QR Codes

QR Codes and Mobile Usage Smart Phones “71% of smartphone users search because of an ad they’ve seen either online or offline; 82% of smartphone users notice mobile ads, 74% of smartphone shoppers make a purchase as a result of using their smartphones to help with shopping, and 88% of those who look for local […]
Marketing SEO Tips for Artist Websites

Checklist for Artists – How to Increase Qualified Visits to your Website Artist Marketing: Positioning, Background and Planning Decide on who you are and what you do e.g. the personality and style of your art, and what you want to communicate through your paintings and drawings. List the profile and type of people who like and […]