Consistency across On-Line Visibility – Building Brand Marketing Architecture

Consistency across On-Line Visibility

One of the key elements of building a distinctive on-line brand is consistency in the information, copy, content and images of the brand that people see on-line.

To help develop a unique competitive position and select which Social Media sites are most relevant to your company / business brand, you should understand and document the relevant key brand values and brand key attributes. Identify your competitive point of difference and then structure acitivities / support around this brand architecture, which are consistent with the brand values and attributes.

Brand Architecture Case Study Freeman Schwabe

As an example here is a recent case study with Freeman Schwabe is OEM global supplier of die cutting systems, which includes the world renowned Schwabe brand name, famous for engineering design innovation and the durability of the Schwabe machines.

We built a Brand Architecture with Freeman Schwabe to manage the consisitency of the Schwabe brand on-line across the key internet portals  e.g. the web site  Freeman Schwabe , blog, YouTube FSM channel

Brand Architecture Online Visibility Infographic

Brand Architecture Online Visibility Infographic

Contact John Cullen for Internet Marketing consulting services.

About John Cullen

Internet Marketing, OnLIne Visibility and Social Media Marketing Services.
Experienced marketing professional, with over 25 years experience in global brand marketing, focused on Internet Marketing for last 8 years.
Living in Cincinnati, Ohio and working with Clients in USA and UK.
Enjoying my new internet marketing business and connecting with people and the speed of a changing world.
Family, Travel, Friends, Painting, Creativity, Celt,

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