“Time moves fast, unless you are serving it” (Malcolm Forbes) Check out the changes and developments of the Internet 2002 to 2012
Tips on for Businesses to Understand & Implement Internet Marketing
Proven Marketing Skills using the Latest Digital / Internet Marketing Tools
“Time moves fast, unless you are serving it” (Malcolm Forbes) Check out the changes and developments of the Internet 2002 to 2012
“If you don’t where you are going, any road will get you there” Allocation of our time both personal and business in this digital age, is proving to be a significant challenge. We are literally “spoilt for choice” which can make decision making more difficult and slower. Knowing what you want to achieve, makes decision making […]
Social Marketing Metrics – Research Study While the findings of the Social Media metrics research by Resolution Media and Kenshoo Social are not earth shattering, they are worth reviewing before developing a Social Media Plan by advertising on Facebook. [The dataset examined for this report spans nearly 65 billion Facebook ad impressions and 20 million Facebook ad […]
Web.com as the new sponsor of the PGA development tour, in a 10 year deal (replacing Nationwide) is a breakthrough for small business marketing, including internet marketing consultants! The company positioning is clear and concise “a leading provider of internet services and online marketing solutions that enable small businesses to establish and maintain an effective web […]
“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Albert Einstein The Olympics reminded me that we are moving faster and faster in this new “data age”. Moving faster towards a time, when we measure everything and use analytics to value our progress. In my mind business needs to strike the […]
Working as a self employed consultant, its been enjoyable working as a member of a team the last few months designing and building a new creative and improved web site for Freeman Schwabe. The team included the Freeman Schwabe IS manager David Eytchison and Ron Adams IT engineer consultant and owner of the Constellation Media […]
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